Image of African American women with computer in hand leaning against darkened window where her reflection and a supercomputer can be seen.
Image courtesy of #WOCinTechChat 

Welcome from the ACM-W North America Chair

We on the ACM-W North America Committee are striving to encourage and empower women in various computing fields in academia and industry throughout North America and the Caribbean.  We believe that women have historically and continue currently to contribute in a variety of ways to computing and other technology related fields.  We are working to empower girls, women and folx from other marginalized groups as they explore the ways that computing and technology will impact their futures.

We welcome anyone who wants to work towards this vision to volunteer for ACM-W North America by emailing

Dr. Lindsay Jamieson, Chair (2022 – )

You Can Join ACM-W, Too!

Are you interested in being part of an organization that supports and promote women in the field? When you join ACM, or renew your membership, check the box for ACM-W. You will be added to the ACM-W email list and receive announcements as well as our ACM-W Connection newsletter.

Volunteering for ACM-W

We would love to you have you join us in working groups, subcommittees, and other roles as they arise. There are many ways you can make a difference:

  • Support: Consider starting or joining a professional chapter or sharing important work in our e-Newsletter. Or join one of our subcommittees or working groups involved in supporting and encouraging women in the field.
  • Celebrate: One of the most popular ways to celebrate women in computing is by starting and/or attending an ACM-W Celebration of Women in Computing. And ACM-W encourages its members to celebrate the work of prominent women all across North America by nominating them for Awards — such as the Athena Award & Lecture — as well as ACM Advanced Grade Membership.
  • Advocate and Inform: Via ACM-W’s student scholarship program, young women are informed about the research going on, and become acquainted with the researchers, in their field. Members of ACM-W Student Chapters are informed about the educational and career opportunities available to them. Join us as we also increase the presence and prominence of women in ACM-affiliated conferences and raise awareness of careers in tech.

To volunteer with the ACM-North America committee, please email us at We review submissions once every quarter (January, April, July, and October).